"Form follows function - that has been misunderstood. Form and function should be one, joined in a spiritual union." - Frank Lloyd Wright
CNS LLC, [2021-PRESENT]Remote position at Y-12 National Security Complex. Collaborated with stakeholders to scope, estimate, and provide technical leadership for software development. Conducted maintenance on existing systems and offered DB and architecture support. Assisted in software quality assurance, encompassing the software development lifecycle for enterprise-level applications.
SweetRush, [2018-2021]Remote Position. Responsible for the daily administration of the AWS architecture and servers. Provided desktop support to all users and monitored task queues. Maintained and built out the containerized architecture. Created Git-based CI/CD pipelines for apps and services throughout the company. Wrote technical documentation. Developed automation tools with Python, Ruby, Node, Crystal, and Bash. Assisted with the development of the in-house production site using Ruby on Rails.
Bryan College, [2016-Present]Responsible for maintaining, creating, and extending JS/Meteor, Python/Django, and C#/ASP.NET portals for students, faculty, staff, and prospective students. As well as maintaining back-end administration for; a WordPress website. I was also given the lead to hire a part-time, entry-level developer and provide mentoring and direction for that person.
Bryan College, [2010-2016]Responsible for maintaining, creating, and extending JS/Meteor, Python/Django, and C#/ASP.NET portals for students, faculty, staff, and prospective students. As well as maintaining back-end administration for a WordPress powered website.
START UP CO-FOUNDER, FRONT AND BACK-END WEB DEVELOPER, [2010-2014]Coded and maintained JavaScript and AJAX interactions using the jQuery library and the jQuery Tools plugin.
Update in 2014: version 3 is running on the Meteor JavaScript framework utilizing Bootstrap, Stripe, Mandrill, MongoDB, and others.
Bryan College, [2010]Responsible for the maintenance, growth, and operation of the main Bryan College website,, which ran MODx/PHP/ MySQL/Apache.
“PC Troubleshooting and Repair”
Bryan College [2010]
Bryan College
Bryan College
[2008 - 2009]
- 2013-present
- 5790 (Under active development)
- Lead developer, architect, design guidance, full-stack
- Meteor, JavaScript, MongoDB, RESTful API, Foundation, SCSS, HTML5, Node.js, Git, jQuery, Responsive Design
MyBryan's goal is to provide a unified portal experience for the students, faculty, and staff of Bryan College. Prior to its implementation, Bryan College used three different sites (and thus codebases) to manage the many facets of faculty, student, and staff needs. It was created to be responsive and usable on mobile devices, as well as on a desktop. It harnesses a custom RESTful API to interface with our central database. We also used several existing libraries/frameworks. These choices allowed us to develop this portal with two developers and a web designer.
Its features include: Online directory, online resources, parking registration, grades, transcripts, attendance, emergency contact info, news, and much more.

- 2010-2014
- 7922 (Under active development)
- Co-Founder, Front-end Developer, Back-end Developer
- Meteor, JavaScript, MongoDB, Node.js, JQuery, Git, RESTful API, CSS, HTML5, Stripe, Mandrill, Bootstrap 3
- Python, Django, jQuery, RESTful API, AWS, SVN, PHP, Google App Engine, MySQL
Creative Commons pictures are great, but they take extra time to deal with since you need to attribute each picture you use. Finding free pictures that are legal to use and embedding them with attribution should be easier.
A time saving service for using Creative Commons pictures. Tagline: "Get Pictures. Give Credit."
Wylio makes it easy to find pictures, re-size them, and embed them on your website. Wylio was developed in conjunction with two other developers and contains many interesting facets. We've chosen to use the frameworks, libraries, and technology that allow for very rapid development. We've made choices that reduce our overhead, while at the same time delivering a great user experience. - Please visit for more information. We've recently launched our latest version.
- 2012-present
- Under active development
- Lead Developer, architecture guidance
- ASP.NET, C#, MS SQL Server, ServiceStack, Web API, SQL, VB.NET, RESTful Design, GIT, IIS
The Cams API was created to provide a unified, simple, and abstracted way to interface with the CAMS Enterprise Database by Three Rivers Systems. It is a centralized database that provides an end to end way to administer all the different facets of a higher education institution. However, to write custom solutions to interface with it, is a somewhat troublesome experience. That, combined with our older codebases, a new unified portal, and the possibilties of having to interface with third party vendors allowed us to develop a RESTful API system. With that, all of our systems (and third parties) could easily and sanely access and modify data for the school.
The ServiceStack framework provides an excellent and fast way to provide a RESTful API. We were able to harness our existing C# models within ServiceStack to provide the needed data models.
- 2012-present
- Front-End Developer, Architecture Guidance, UX Designer
- Django, Python, jQuery, Django Templating Language, SVN, HTML, CSS, Apache
- The Apply portal for Bryan College was created to replace the older ASP.NET-based site. It was created to make it as easy and friendly as possible for prospective students to submit their application to Bryan College. Apply was designed to allow students to enter the minimal amount of data needed to complete their application to any of the programs offered by Bryan College. The site was designed so that new programs could be added without having to interfere with other already existing programs. It interfaced with the CAMS Enterprise database via the Object Relational Mapper included with Django. The front-end is powered by jQuery and functions as a single page application. This allows for a very streamlined experience.

Programming Languages and Related Technologies
JavaScript, Meteor, Node.js, jQuery, Python, Django, SQL, C#, ASP.NET, HTML5, CSS, AJAX, MODx, and Single Page Applications. Familiar with PHP, Express Framework, and Java.
Operating Systems
Linux, Mac OS X, UNIX, and Microsoft Windows
Software and Applications
Atom, VIM, Git, SVN, SourceTree, Sublime Text, Django, MS Visual Studio, Express, IIS, Apache, MySQL, MS SQL, MongoDB, MODx, Eclipse, Adobe Photoshop, MS SQL Server Management Studio, other open source applications, frameworks, and languages.
BS in Computer Science
2004 - 2008
Bryan College, Dayton, TN
CodeConf, June 2015 GitHub, Nashville, TNCodeConf is about improving the software community by featuring thought-provoking talks and building social connections. Join us for the third installment of the CodeConf series where we will come together to discuss open source, best practices, documentation, community, and maybe even hacking space exploration.